Design and Simulation R packages

Posted 12 January 2023 by Len Thomas

We would like to make you aware that our design and simulation packages (dssd and dsims) are temporarily only available from our development repository on github. Please follow link for instructions on installing them.

We are currently working to get dssd and dsims back on CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network) as soon as possible. In the meantime, please use the following code to install these packages from our development repository on github.

install_github("DistanceDevelopment/dssd", build_vignettes = TRUE)
install_github("DistanceDevelopment/dsims", build_vignettes = TRUE)

For those interested in the nitty gritty, here are more details.

Please be reassured that both dssd and dsims continued to pass all CRAN checks on both current R, old R and development R for all standard setups for windows, mac, M1 mac and the various linux platforms.

CRAN also runs checks on more unusual setups and has detected that dssd may generate some shape related errors if you are using alternative BLAS/LAPACK implementations for more efficient linear algebra calculations. The machine they tested was using R-devel in an x86_64 Fedora 34 Linux environment. Please email us if you have come across this issue as we are currently trying to replicate the error.