Find out tool versions
Axialis IconWorkshop:
- Select Help => About Axialis IconWorkshop
- Version 6.70
ComponentOne Doc-To-Help:
- Select Help => About ComponentOne Doc-To-Help…
- ComponentOne Doc-To-Help Enterprise 2006.3
- Version 2006.3.0.313
Microsoft Word
- Select Help => About Microsoft Office Word
- 2003 SP3
Microsoft PowerPoint
- Select Help => About Microsoft Office Powerpoint
- 2003 SP3
Microsoft PhotoDraw:
- Select Help => About Microsoft PhotoDraw…
- Version 1.0
Edit text files
Text files used in Distance include:
- %BASE%\Interface\Help - rtf files for built-in help, information and text
- This includes Authors.rtf and Sponsors.rtf
- %BASE%Extras\External Documentation\ReadMe
- This includes the ReadMe.rtf for each release
Edit text files with WordPad, not Microsoft Word - Word adds extra characters that can mess up the formatting of the files.
To edit a file in WordPad:
- Right-click file name
- Select Open With => WordPad
Edit Distance icon
- Open icon, ico, file in Axialis IconWorkshop:
- Double-click %BASE%Extras\Graphics\Icons\DistanceProject2.ico
- Create new file:
- Select File => Save As…
- Browse to %BASE%Extras\Graphics\Icons\
- Enter file name e.g. DISTANCE_ICON_FILE.ico
Copy Distance icon for use in Visual Basic and release
Copy %BASE%Extras\Graphics\Icons\DISTANCE_ICON_FILE.ico (for example %BASE%Extras\Graphics\Icons\DistanceProject2.ico) to %BASE%\Interface\Main\Graphics - Misc and General\DistanceProject.ico
Create splash screen for new version
- Open Microsoft Image Composer, mix, file, in Microsoft PhotoDraw:
- Double-click %BASE%Extras\Graphics\Splash\D62release.mix
- Create new file:
- Select File => Save As…
- Browse to %BASE%Extras\Graphics\Splash\
- For release, enter file name: DMNreleaseR.mix
- For beta, enter file name: DMNbetaR.mix
- M is the major version number, N is the minor version number, R an (optional) release number.
- Click Save
- Update version number:
- Click ‘version 6.2’ in image
- Edit text in box on right-hand side e.g. ‘version M.N’
- Update release number:
- Click ‘release 1’ in image
- Edit text in box on right-hand side e.g. ‘release R’ or ‘BETA R’
- Save mix file:
- Select File => Save
- Save mix file as a jpg:
- Select File => Save As…
- Select Save as type: JPEG File Interchange Format
- Browse to %BASE%Extras\Graphics\Splash\
- Click Save to save image with name as mix file but with jpg extension
Copy splash screen for use in Visual Basic and release
Copy %BASE%Extras\Graphics\Splash\DMNbetaR.jpg or %BASE%Extras\Graphics\Splash\DMNreleaseR.jpg to %BASE%\Interface\Help\DistanceLogo.jpg, where M is the major version number, N is the minor version number, R an (optional) release number.
Update user guide version number
- Open Doc-To-Help, d2h, file, in ComponentOne Doc-To-Help:
- Double-click %BASE%Extras\External Documentation\Documents\distance.d2h
- Update Distance version number:
- In properties on left-hand side, click Help Targets
- Click Name: distance Manual
- For release, select Property: Title and update Value: Distance M.N Release R
- For beta, select Property: Title and update Value: Distance M.N Beta R
- M is the major version number, N is the minor version number, R an (optional) release number.
Build HTML Help
- Open Doc-To-Help, d2h, file, in ComponentOne Doc-To-Help:
- Double-click %BASE%Extras\External Documentation\Documents\distance.d2h
- Build HTML Help:
- In menu-bar drop-down build targets list, select distance HTML Help
- Select Build => Make Target OR Press F5
- To rebuild everything, select Build => Rebuild Target
- Check:
- Double-click %BASE%Extras\External Documentation\Documents\HTMLHelp\distance.chm
Copy HTML Help for use in Visual Basic and release
- Copy compiled HTML help:
- Copy %BASE%Extras\External Documentation\Documents\HTMLHelp\distance.chm to %BASE%\Utilities\Help\
- Copy Visual Basic macro file for use in Visual Basic components:
- This contains a list of constants giving shortcuts to the help pages and is used to provide context-sensitive help.
- Copy %BASE%Extras\External Documentation\Documents\HTMLHelp\distance.bas to %BASE%\Utilities\Help\
- Note that compiled HTML help is not usable from the Help menu within development versions, but it is usable in release versions.
Build HTML Help from command prompt
- Start command prompt:
- Select Start => All Programs => Accessories => Command Prompt
- Change into HTML Help folder:
chdir %BASE%Extras\External Documentation\Documents
- Build HTML Help:
"C:\Program Files\ComponentOne\DocToHelp\C1D2HBatch.exe" -build distance.d2h "distance HTML Help"
- Check:
- Double-click %BASE%Extras\External Documentation\Documents\HTMLHelp\distance.chm
Update title slide with splash screen
- Start Microsoft PowerPoint:
- Double-click %BASE%Extras\External Documentation\Images\TitlePage\TitlePage.ppt
- Insert splash screen:
- Select Insert => Picture => From File…
- Double-click %BASE%Extras\Graphics\Splash\DMNreleaseR.jpg or %BASE%Extras\Graphics\Splash\DMNbetaR, where M is the major version number, N is the minor version number, R an (optional) release number.
- Replace current splash screen image in slide with newly-inserted one
- Save title slide:
- Click CTRL-S
Build title page image
- Start Microsoft PowerPoint:
- Double-click %BASE%Extras\External Documentation\Images\TitlePage\TitlePage.ppt
- Save as Windows Metafile, wmf:
- Select File => Save As…
- Select Save as type: Windows Metafile (*.wmf)
- Browse to %BASE%Extras\External Documentation\Images\TitlePage\
- Click Save
- If asked ‘Do you want to export every slide in the presentation or only the current slide?’ click Current Slide Only
Build user guide
- Open Doc-To-Help, d2h, file, in ComponentOne Doc-To-Help:
- Double-click %BASE%Extras\External Documentation\Documents\distance.d2h
- Build Microsoft Word document:
- In menu-bar drop-down build targets list, select distance Manual
- Select Build => Make Target OR Press F5
- To rebuild everything, select Build => Rebuild Target
- Check:
- Double-click %BASE%Extras\External Documentation\Documents\Manual\distance-master.doc
Build user guide from command prompt
- Start command prompt:
- Select Start => All Programs => Accessories => Command Prompt
- Change into HTML Help folder:
chdir %BASE%Extras\External Documentation\Documents
- Build HTML help:
"C:\Program Files\ComponentOne\DocToHelp\C1D2HBatch.exe" -build distance.d2h "distance Manual"
- Check:
- Double-click %BASE%Extras\External Documentation\Documents\Manual\distance-master.doc
Add title page image to user guide
- Start Microsoft Word:
- Double-click %BASE%Extras\External Documentation\Documents\Manual\distance-master.doc
- Insert title page image:
- Select Insert => Picture => From File…
- Double-click %BASE%Extras\External Documentation\Images\TitlePage\TitlePage.wmf
- Resize image so it is the same width as the black-bordered place-holder on the front-page
- Select the image and press CTRL-X (cut)
- Select the place-holder and press CTRL-V (paste)
- Save the document
- Click CTRL-S
Build user guide PDF
- Start Microsoft Word:
- Double-click %BASE%Extras\External Documentation\Documents\Manual\distance-master.doc
- Check conversion settings:
- Select Adobe PDF => Change Conversion Settings
- Check Conversion Settings: Standard
- Click OK
- Create PDF:
- Select Adobe PDF => Convert to PDF
- Browse to %BASE%Extras\External Documentation\Documents\Manual\
- Click Save
- If asked ‘Do you want PDFMaker to turn off tagging for this document?’, click No
- This can take a long time!
- Check:
- Double-click %BASE%Extras\External Documentation\Documents\Manual\document-master.pdf
- If the images do not look OK then try again with a higher-quality conversion setting
Build user guide PDF from command prompt
Note that using this approach results in non-hyperlinked cross-references.
This assumes that:
- Adobe PDF is the default printer
- Adobe PDF will not prompt for a file name or display the PDF. To configure this:
- Select Start => Printers and Faxes
- Right-click Adobe PDF => Printing Preferences…
- Select Adobe PDF Output Folder: My Documents\*.pdf
- Uncheck View Adobe PDF results
- Click OK
- Start command prompt:
- Select Start => All Programs => Accessories => Command Prompt
- Change into Manual folder:
chdir %BASE%Extras\External Documentation\Documents\Manual\
- Run:
start /WAIT "" "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 2003\OFFICE11\winword.exe" distance-master.doc /q /n /mFilePrintDefault /mFileSave /mFileExit
- Move file:
move "%userprofile%\My Documents\distance-master.pdf" %BASE%Extras\External Documentation\Documents\Manual\
- Check:
- Double-click %BASE%Extras\External Documentation\Documents\Manual\distance-master.pdf
Copy user guide PDF for use in Visual Basic and release
- Copy %BASE%Extras\External Documentation\Documents\Manual\distance-master.pdf to %BASE%\Utilities\Help\distance.pdf
- Note that compiled HTML help is not usable from the Help menu within development versions, but it is usable in release versions.