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dsm implements spatial models for distance sampling data. Models for detectability can be fitted using packages mrds or Distance. dsm fits generalized additive models to spatially-referenced data. See Miller et al (2013) for an introduction.


Further information on distance sampling methods and example code is available at

For help with distance sampling and this package, there is a Google Group!forum/distance-sampling.

A example analyses are available at


Hedley, S. and S. T. Buckland. 2004. Spatial models for line transect sampling. JABES 9:181-199.

Miller, D. L., Burt, M. L., Rexstad, E. A., Thomas, L. (2013), Spatial models for distance sampling data: recent developments and future directions. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4: 1001-1010. doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.12105 (Open Access)

Wood, S.N. 2006. Generalized Additive Models: An Introduction with R. CRC/Chapman & Hall.