Distance Sampling Software

Order Form

The program Distance is available free of charge over the internet (http://www.ruwpa.st-and.ac.uk/distance/). This form is intended for those who are having trouble downloading it. Prices are set at a level that covers our costs, and include materials, postage and handling. Prices are in UK pounds sterling.

Please print out and complete this form, and mail it together with your payment to:

Research Unit for Wildlife Population Assessment
University of St Andrews
The Observatory, Buchanan Gardens
St Andrews, Scotland KY16 9LZ

Alternatively, when paying by credit card, you can fax the completed form to RUWPA at +UK (0)1334 461800.


Please send me:

__ copies of the Distance software on CD (CD includes an electronic copy of the 1993 Distance Sampling book) @ UKL30.00 per copy

Total cost: ________________



Please enclose payment with your order. There are two ways to pay:

1. Banker's draft or cheque in UK pounds drawn on a UK clearing bank. Please make the relevant paperwork payable to the University of St. Andrews.

2. Credit Card. Please complete the following:

Please debit my



Card Number_________________________________ Expiry Date_______________

The sum of ___________________________________________________ UK pounds

Card Holder's Signature________________________________________________

Card Holder's Address__________________________________________________


Country_________________________ Postal/zip code_______________________






Country_________________________ Postal/zip code_______________________