Creates model formula list for conventional distance sampling using values
supplied in call to ddf
key = NULL,
adj.series = NULL,
adj.order = NULL,
adj.scale = "width",
adj.exp = FALSE,
formula = ~1,
shape.formula = ~1
- key
string identifying key function (currently either "hn" (half-normal),"hr" (hazard-rate), "unif" (uniform) or "gamma" (gamma distribution)
- adj.series
string identifying adjustment functions cos (Cosine), herm (Hermite polynomials), poly (simple polynomials) or NULL
- adj.order
vector of order of adjustment terms to include
- adj.scale
whether to scale the adjustment terms by "width" or "scale"
- adj.exp
if TRUE uses exp(adj) for adjustment to keep f(x)>0
- formula
formula for scale function (included for completeness only only formula=~1 for cds)
- shape.formula
formula for shape function