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Multiple surveys by different observers of a single 1km transect containing 150 wooden stakes placed randomly throughout a 40 m strip (20m on either side).


A data frame with 150 observations on the following 10 variables.


unique number for each stake 1-150


perpendicular distance at which the stake was placed from the line


0/1 whether missed/seen by observer 1


0/1 whether missed/seen by observer 2


0/1 whether missed/seen by observer 3


0/1 whether missed/seen by observer 4


0/1 whether missed/seen by observer 5


0/1 whether missed/seen by observer 6


0/1 whether missed/seen by observer 7


0/1 whether missed/seen by observer 8


Laake, J. 1978. Line transect estimators robust to animal movement. M.S. Thesis. Utah State University, Logan, Utah. 55p.


Burnham, K. P., D. R. Anderson, and J. L. Laake. 1980. Estimation of Density from Line Transect Sampling of Biological Populations. Wildlife Monographs:7-202.


# \donttest{
# Extract functions for stake data and put in the mrds format
extract.stake <- function(stake,obs){
  extract.obs <- function(obs){
    example <- subset(stake,eval(parse(text=paste("Obs",obs,"==1",sep=""))),
    example$distance <- example$PD
    example$object <- 1:nrow(example)
    example$PD <- NULL
    example <- NULL
    for(i in 1:(ncol(stake)-2)){
      df <- extract.obs(obs=i)
      df$person <- i
      example <- rbind(example,df)
    example$person <- factor(example$person)
    example$object <- 1:nrow(example)
extract.stake.pairs <- function(stake,obs1,obs2,removal=FALSE){
  obs1 <- paste("Obs",obs1,sep="")
  obs2 <- paste("Obs",obs2,sep="")
  example <- subset(stake,eval(parse(text=paste(obs1,"==1 |",obs2,"==1 ",
  names(example) <- c("distance","obs1","obs2")
  detected <- c(example$obs1,example$obs2)
  example <- data.frame(object   = rep(1:nrow(example),2),
                        distance = rep(example$distance,2),
                        detected = detected,
                        observer = c(rep(1,nrow(example)),
  if(removal) example$detected[example$observer==2] <- 1
# extract data for observer 1 and fit a single observer model
stakes <- extract.stake(stake77,1)
ds.model <- ddf(dsmodel = ~mcds(key = "hn", formula = ~1), data = stakes,
                method = "ds", = list(width = 20))


#> Goodness of fit results for ddf object
#> Chi-square tests
#>           [0,2.22] (2.22,4.44] (4.44,6.67] (6.67,8.89] (8.89,11.1] (11.1,13.3]
#> Observed    13.000      17.000      14.000      12.000      11.000       5.000
#> Expected    16.023      15.107      13.430      11.256       8.894       6.627
#> Chisquare    0.570       0.237       0.024       0.049       0.498       0.399
#>           (13.3,15.6] (15.6,17.8] (17.8,20] Total
#> Observed        3.000       3.000     3.000 81.00
#> Expected        4.655       3.083     1.925 81.00
#> Chisquare       0.588       0.002     0.600  2.97
#> P = 0.8878 with 7 degrees of freedom
#> Distance sampling Cramer-von Mises test (unweighted)
#> Test statistic = 0.051489 p-value = 0.867184

# extract data from observers 1 and 3 and fit an io model
stkpairs <- extract.stake.pairs(stake77,1,3,removal=FALSE)
io.model <- ddf(dsmodel = ~mcds(key = "hn", formula=~1),
                data = stkpairs, method = "io")
#> Warning: no truncation distance specified; using largest observed distance
#> Summary for object 
#> Number of observations   :  89 
#> Number seen by primary   :  81 
#> Number seen by secondary :  68 
#> Number seen by both      :  60 
#> AIC                      :  137.046 
#> Conditional detection function parameters:
#>              estimate         se
#> (Intercept)  3.105418 0.52079895
#> distance    -0.228405 0.05957038
#>                         Estimate          SE          CV
#> Average primary p(0)   0.9571157 0.021376325 0.022334108
#> Average secondary p(0) 0.9571157 0.021376325 0.022334108
#> Average combined p(0)  0.9981609 0.001833418 0.001836796
#> Summary for ds object
#> Number of observations :  89 
#> Distance range         :  0  -  19.39 
#> AIC                    :  504.1853 
#> Optimisation           :  mrds (nlminb) 
#> Detection function:
#>  Half-normal key function 
#> Detection function parameters 
#> Scale coefficient(s): 
#>             estimate        se
#> (Intercept) 2.233369 0.1031155
#>            Estimate         SE         CV
#> Average p 0.5803993 0.04794403 0.08260525
#> Summary for io object
#> Total AIC value :  641.2313 
#>                        Estimate          SE         CV
#> Average p             0.5793319  0.04786769 0.08262567
#> N in covered region 153.6252334 16.51282572 0.10748772
#> Goodness of fit results for ddf object
#> Chi-square tests
#> Distance sampling component:
#>           [0,2.42] (2.42,4.85] (4.85,7.27] (7.27,9.7] (9.7,12.1] (12.1,14.5]
#> Observed    17.000      21.000      16.000     14.000      9.000       4.000
#> Expected    18.954      17.725      15.499     12.673      9.690       6.929
#> Chisquare    0.202       0.605       0.016      0.139      0.049       1.238
#>           (14.5,17] (17,19.4]  Total
#> Observed      4.000     4.000 89.000
#> Expected      4.633     2.897 89.000
#> Chisquare     0.086     0.420  2.756
#> P = 0.8388 with 6 degrees of freedom
#> Mark-recapture component:
#> Capture History 10
#>           [0,2.42] (2.42,4.85] (4.85,7.27] (7.27,9.7] (9.7,12.1] (12.1,14.5]
#> Observed         2           0           1          3          6           3
#> Expected         1           2           2          3          2           1
#> Chisquare        1           2           1          0          6           2
#>           (14.5,17] (17,19.4] Total
#> Observed          4         2    21
#> Expected          2         2    14
#> Chisquare         4         0    16
#> Capture History 01
#>           [0,2.42] (2.42,4.85] (4.85,7.27] (7.27,9.7] (9.7,12.1] (12.1,14.5]
#> Observed         3           1           2          1          0           0
#> Expected         1           2           2          3          2           1
#> Chisquare        5           0           0          1          2           1
#>           (14.5,17] (17,19.4] Total
#> Observed          0         1     8
#> Expected          2         2    14
#> Chisquare         2         0    12
#> Capture History 11
#>           [0,2.42] (2.42,4.85] (4.85,7.27] (7.27,9.7] (9.7,12.1] (12.1,14.5]
#> Observed        12          20          13         10          3           1
#> Expected        15          17          12          9          4           1
#> Chisquare        1           0           0          0          0           0
#>           (14.5,17] (17,19.4] Total
#> Observed          0         1    60
#> Expected          1         1    60
#> Chisquare         1         0     3
#> MR total chi-square = 31.176  P = 0.0052374 with 14 degrees of freedom
#> Total chi-square = 33.932  P = 0.026589 with 20 degrees of freedom
#> Distance sampling Cramer-von Mises test (unweighted)
#> Test statistic = 0.0468697 p-value = 0.895003
# }