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Simulated dual observer point count data with detection p(0)=0.8; hn sigma=30; w=100 for both observers with dependency y>0, gamma=0.1


The format is 420 obs of 6 variables: distance: numeric distance from center observer: Factor w/ 2 levels "1","2": 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ... detected: numeric 0/1 person: Factor with 2 levels A,B pair: Factor with 2 levels "AB" BA" $ object : sequential object number


# \donttest{
xx <- ddf(mrmodel=~glm(formula=~distance),
          dsmodel = ~cds(key="hn", formula = ~1),
          data = ptdata.dual, method = "io", = list(point=TRUE))
#> Warning: no truncation distance specified; using largest observed distance
#> Summary for object 
#> Number of observations   :  210 
#> Number seen by primary   :  199 
#> Number seen by secondary :  193 
#> Number seen by both      :  182 
#> AIC                      :  192.4567 
#> Conditional detection function parameters:
#>               estimate         se
#> (Intercept) 1.06437933 0.41946692
#> distance    0.04904523 0.01408653
#>                         Estimate         SE         CV
#> Average primary p(0)   0.7435266 0.07999017 0.10758213
#> Average secondary p(0) 0.7435266 0.07999017 0.10758213
#> Average combined p(0)  0.9342214 0.04103071 0.04391969
#> Summary for ds object
#> Number of observations :  210 
#> Distance range         :  0  -  96.32036 
#> AIC                    :  1817.79 
#> Optimisation           :  mrds (nlminb) 
#> Detection function:
#>  Half-normal key function 
#> Detection function parameters 
#> Scale coefficient(s): 
#>             estimate         se
#> (Intercept)  3.38454 0.03661838
#>             Estimate         SE         CV
#> Average p  0.1867483 0.01332166 0.07133485
#> EDR       41.6242555 1.48462997 0.03566742
#> Summary for io object
#> Total AIC value :  2010.247 
#>                         Estimate           SE         CV
#> Average p              0.1744643   0.01461507 0.08377111
#> N in covered region 1203.6847617 125.94892721 0.10463614
plot(xx,main="Simulated point count data")

# }