Curated bibliography of distance sampling publications

Distance sampling applications and theory

Below are >1500 citations to scientific publications relevant to distance sampling. Many are applications of distance sampling to estimate animal abundance; some are papers describing the development of statistical methods relevant to distance sampling.

Please contact Tiago Marques ( for adding, removing, or correcting entries. We also welcome links to existing or new references.


Aars, J., Andersen, M., Belikov, S., Boltunov, A., Buckland, S. T., Marques, T. A., & Wiig, Ø. (2005). Line transect estimate of the subpopulation size of polar bears in the Barents Sea. In J. Aars, N. J. Lunn, & A. Derocher (Eds.), Polar bears (pp. 173–175).
Aars, J., Marques, T. A., Buckland, S. T., Andersen, M., Belikov, S., Boltunov, A., & Wiig, Ø. (2009). Estimating the Barents Sea polar bear subpopulation size. Marine Mammal Science, 25, 35–52.
Aars, Jon, Marques, T., Lone, K., Andersen, M., Wiig, Ø., Fløystad, I. M. B., … Buckland, S. T. (2017). The number and distribution of polar bears in the western Barents Sea area. Polar Biology, 36, 1374125.
Acevedo, P., Ferreres, J., Jaroso, R., Durán, M., Escudero, M. A., Marco, J., & Gortázar, C. (2010). Estimating roe deer abundance from pellet group counts in Spain: An assessment of methods suitable for Mediterranean woodlands. Ecological Indicators, 10, 1226–1230.
Acevedo, P., Ruiz-Fons, F., Vicente, J., Reyes-García, A. R., Alzaga, V., & Gortázar, C. (2008). Estimating red deer abundance in a wide range of management situations in Mediterranean habitats. Journal Of Zoology, 276, 37–47.
Akin, J. A. (1998). Fourier series estimation of ground skink population density. Copeia, 519–522.
Aldrin, M., Holden, M., & Schweder, T. (2003). Comment on cowling’s "spatial methods for line transect surveys". Biometrics, 59, 186–188.
Alldredge, J. R., & Gates, C. E. (1985). Line transect estimators for left-truncated distributions. Biometrics, 41, 273–280.
Alldredge, M. W., Pacifici, K., Simons, T. R., & Pollock, K. H. (2008). A novel field evaluation of the effectiveness of distance and independent observer sampling to estimate aural avian detection probabilities. Journal of Applied Ecology, 45, 1349–1356.
Alldredge, M. W., Pollock, K. H., Simons, T. R., & Shriner, S. A. (2007). Multiple-species analysis of point count data: A more parsimonious modeling framework. Journal of Applied Ecology, 44, 281–290.
Alldredge, M. W., Simons, T. R., & Pollock, K. H. (2007a). A field evaluation of distance measurement error in auditory avian point count surveys. Journal of Wildlife Management, 71, 2759–2766.
Alldredge, M. W., Simons, T. R., & Pollock, K. H. (2007b). Factors affecting aural detections of songbirds. Ecological Applications, 17, 948–955.
Allen, S. J., Pollock, K. H., Bouchet, P. J., Kobryn, H. T., McElligott, D. B., Nicholson, K. E., … Loneragan, N. R. (2017). Preliminary estimates of the abundance and fidelity of dolphins associating with a demersal trawl fishery. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 4995.
Allison, L. J., & McLuckie, A. M. (2018). Population Trends in Mojave Desert Tortoises (Gopherus agassizii). Herpetological Conservation and Biology, 13, 433–452.
Alpizar-Jara, R. (1997). Assessing assumption violation in line transect sampling (PhD thesis). North Carolina State University, Raleigh.
Alpizar-Jara, R., & Pollock, K. H. (1996). A combination line transect and capture recapture sampling model for multiple observers in aerial surveys. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 3, 311–327.
Alpizar-Jara, R., & Pollock, K. H. (1999). Combining line transect and capture-recapture for mark-resighting studies. In G. W. Garner, S. C. Amstrup, J. L. Laake, B. F. J. Manly, L. L. McDonald, & D. G. Robertson (Eds.), Marine mammal survey and assessment methods (pp. 99–114). Rotterdam: Balkema.
Alpizar-Jara, Russell, Pollock, K. H., & Haines, D. E. (2005). Mark-recapture estimators for dual frame population size of prominent nesting structures: The effect of uncertain detection probability. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 12, 155–168.
Alves, J., Silva, A. A. da, Soares, A. M. V. M., & Fonseca, C. (2013). Pellet group count methods to estimate red deer densities: Precision, potential accuracy and efficiency. Mammalian Biology Zeitschrift Für Saügetierkunde, 78, 134–141.
Amin, R., Klair, H., Wacher, T., Ndjassi, C., Fowler, A., Olson, D., & Bruce, T. (2021). Estimating forest antelope population densities using distance sampling with camera traps. Oryx, 1–7.
Amundin, M., Carlström, J., Thomas, L., Carlén, I., Teilmann, J., Tougaard, J., … Blankett, P. (2022). Estimating the abundance of the critically endangered Baltic Proper harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) population using passive acoustic monitoring. Ecology and Evolution, 12(2), e8554.
Anadon, J., Gimenez, A., & Ballestar, R. (2010). Linking local ecological knowledge and habitat modelling to predict absolute species abundance on large scales. Biodiversity and Conservation, 19, 1443–1454.
Ancrenaz, M., Gimenez, O., Ambu, L., Ancrenaz, K., Andau, P., Goossens, B., … Lackman-Ancrenaz, I. (2005). Aerial surveys give new estimates for orangutans in Sabah, Malaysia. PLoS Biology, 3(1), 1–8.
Ancrenaz, Marc, Goossens, B., Gimenez, O., Sawang, A., & Lackman-Ancrenaz, I. (2004). Determination of ape distribution and population size using ground and aerial surveys: A case study with orang-utans in lower Kinabatangan, Sabah, Malaysia. Animal Conservation, 7, 375–385.
Andersen, D. E., Rongstad, O. J., & Mytton, W. R. (1985). Line transect analysis of raptor abundance along roads. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 13, 533–539. Retrieved from
Andersen, E. M., & Steidl, R. J. (2020). Power to detect trends in abundance within a distance sampling framework. Journal of Applied Ecology, 57(2), 344–353.
Anderson, A. S., Marques, T. A., Shoo, L. P., & Williams, S. E. (2015). Detectability in audio-visual surveys of tropical rainforest birds: The influence of species, weather and habitat characteristics. PLoS ONE, 10(6), e0128464.
Anderson, B. W., & Ohmart, R. D. (1981). Comparisons of avian census results using variable distance transect and variable circular plot techniques. In C. J. Ralph & J. M. Scott (Eds.), Estimating numbers of terrestrial birds (pp. 186–192). Cooper Ornithological Society.
Anderson, C. W., Nielsen, C. K., Hester, C. M., Hubbard, R. D., Stroud, J. K., & Schauber, E. M. (2013). Comparison of indirect and direct methods of distance sampling for estimating density of white-tailed deer. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 37, 146–154.
Anderson, D. R. (2001). The need to get the basics right in wildlife field studies. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 29, 1294–1297. Retrieved from
Anderson, D. R. (2003). Response to Engeman: Index values rarely constitute reliable information. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 31, 288–291. Retrieved from
Anderson, D. R., Burnham, K. P., & Crain, B. R. (1978). A log-linear model approach to estimation of population size using the line-transect sampling method. Ecology, 59, 190–193.
Anderson, D. R., Burnham, K. P., & Crain, B. R. (1979). Line transect estimation of population size: The exponential case with grouped data. Communications in Statistics Theory and Methods, A8, 487–507.
Anderson, D. R., Burnham, K. P., & Crain, B. R. (1980). Some comments on Anderson and Pospahala’s correction of bias in line transect sampling. Biometrical Journal, 22, 513–524.
Anderson, D. R., Burnham, K. P., & Crain, B. R. (1985a). Estimating population size and density using line transect sampling. Biometrical Journal, 27, 723–731.
Anderson, D. R., Burnham, K. P., & Crain, B. R. (1985b). Some mathematical models for line transect sampling. Biometrical Journal, 27, 741–752.
Anderson, D. R., Burnham, K. P., Lubow, B. C., Thomas, L., Corn, P. S., Medica, P. A., & Marlow, R. W. (2001). Field trials of line transect methods applied to estimation of desert tortoise abundance. Journal of Wildlife Management, 65(3), 583–597.
Anderson, D. R., Burnham, K. P., White, G. C., & Otis, D. L. (1983). Density estimation of small-mammal populations using a trapping web and distance sampling methods. Ecology, 64(4), 674–680.
Anderson, D. R., Laake, J. L., Crain, B. R., & Burnham, K. P. (1979). Guidelines for line transect sampling of biological populations. Journal of Wildlife Management, 43, 70–78.
Anderson, D. R., & Southwell, C. (1995). Estimates of macropod density from line transect surveys relative to analyst expertise. Journal of Wildlife Management, 59, 852–857.
Andriolo, A., Martins, C. C. A., Engel, M. H., Pizzorno, J. L., Mas-Rosa, S., Freitas, A. C., … Kinas, P. G. (2006). The first aerial survey to estimate abundance of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the breeding ground off Brazil (Breeding Stock A). Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 8, 307–311.
Andriolo, Artur, Piovezan, U., Costa, M. J. R. P. da, & Duarte, J. M. B. (2001). Line-transect sampling method used to evaluate the impact of a flooding dam on marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) population in the Paraná river, Brazil. Deer Specialist Group News, 16, 1–2.
Andriolo, Artur, Piovezan, U., Costa, M. J. R. P. da, Torres, H. A., Vogliotti, A., Zerbini, A. N., & Duarte, J. M. B. (2013). Severe population decline of marsh deer, blastocerus dichotomus (cetartiodactyla: Cervidae), a threatened species, caused by flooding related to a hydroelectric power plant. Zoologia (Curitiba), 30(6), 630–638.
Andriolo, A., Piovezan, U., Costa, M. J. R. P., Laake, J., & Duarte, J. M. B. (2005). Aerial line transect survey to estimate abundance of marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) (Illiger, 1815). Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 48, 807–814.
Anganuzzi, A. A., & Buckland, S. T. (1989). Reducing bias in estimated trends from dolphin abundance indices derived from tuna vessel data. Report of the International Whaling Commission, 39, 323–334.
Anganuzzi, A. A., Buckland, S. T., & Cattanach, K. L. (1991). Relative abundance of dolphins associated with tuna in the Eastern Tropical Pacific, estimated from tuna vessel sightings data for 1988 and 1989. Report of the International Whaling Commission, 41, 497–506.
Anganuzzi, A. A., Catanach, K. L., & Buckland, S. T. (1992). Relative abundance of dolphins associated with tuna in the eastern tropical pacific in 1990 and trends since 1975, estimated from tuna vessel sightings data. Report of the International Whaling Commission, 42, 541–547.
Anthony, R. M., & Stehn, R. A. (1994). Navigating aerial transects with a laptop computer map. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 22, 674–676. Retrieved from
Applegate, R. D., Jr, R. E. K., Moss, E. D., Warr, E. L., & Kennedy, M. L. (2011). Problems with avian point counts for estimating density of northern bobwhite— a case study. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management, 2, 117–121.
Arandhara, S., Sathishkumar, S., & Baskaran, N. (2020). Modelling the effect of covariates on the detectability and density of native blackbucks and invasive feral-horse using Multiple Covariate Distance Sampling at Point Calimere Wildlife Sanctuary, Southern India. Mammalian Biology, 100(2), 173–186.
Araújo, H., Bastos-Santos, J., Rodrigues, P. C., Ferreira, M., Pereira, A., Henriques, A. C., … Vingada, J. (2017). The importance of Portuguese continental shelf waters to Balearic shearwaters revealed by aerial census. Marine Biology, 164(3), 55.
Arendt, W. J., Gibbons, D. W., & Gray, G. (1999). Status of the volcanically threatened Montserrat oriole Icterus oberi and other forest birds in Montserrat, West Indies. Bird Conservation International, 9(4), 351–372.
Asefa, A., Davies, A. B., McKechnie, A. E., Kinahan, A. A., & Rensburg, B. J. van. (2017). Effects of anthropogenic disturbance on bird diversity in ethiopian montane forests. The Condor, 119(3), 416–430.
Ashenafi, Z. T., Coulson, T., Sillero-Zubiri, C., & Leader-Williams, N. (2005). Behaviour and ecology of the Ethiopian wolf (Canis simensis) in a human-dominated landscape outside protected areas. Animal Conservation, 8, 113–121.
Astrup, R., Ducey, M., Granhus, A., Ritter, T., & Lüpke, N. von. (2014). Approaches for estimating stand-level volume using terrestrial laser scanning in a single-scan mode. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 44(6), 666–676.
Atkinson, A. J., Yang, B. S., Fisher, R. N., Ervin, E., Case, T. J., Scott, N., & Shaffer, H. B. (2003). MCP Camp Pendleton arroyo toad monitoring protocol. Western Ecological Research Center, U. S. Geological Survey.
Atuo, F. A., & O’Connell, T. J. (2017). The landscape of fear as an emergent property of heterogeneity: Contrasting patterns of predation risk in grassland ecosystems. Ecology and Evolution, 1–12.
Averill-Murray, R. C., & Averill-Murray, A. (2005). Regional-scale estimation of density and habitat use of the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) in Arizona. Journal of Herpetology, 39(1), 65–72.[0065:REODAH]2.0.CO;2
Azhar, B., Zakaria, M., Yusof, E., & Leong, P. C. (2008). Efficiency of fixed-width transect and line-transect-based distance sampling to survey red junglefowl (gallus gallus spadiceus) in peninsular Malaysia. Journal of Sustainable Development, 1, 63–73.
Baccaro, F. B., & Ferraz, G. (2012). Estimating density of ant nests using distance sampling. Insectes Sociaux, 60, 103–110.
Bachl, F. E., Lindgren, F., Borchers, D. L., & Illian, J. B. (2019). Inlabru: An R package for Bayesian spatial modelling from ecological survey data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 10(6), 760–766.
Bächler, E., & Liechti, F. (2007). On the importance of g(0) for estimating bird population densities with standard distance-sampling: Implications from a telemetry study and a literature review. Ibis, 149, 693–700.
Bagchi, S., Goyal, S. P., & Sankar, K. (2004). Herbivore density and biomass in a semi-arid tropical dry deciduous forest of western India. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 20(4), 475–478.
Baird, R. W., & Burkhart, S. M. (2000). Bias and variability in distance estimation on the water: Implications for the management of whale watching ({{IWC}} Meeting Document No. SC/52/WW1). IWC.
Bakermans, M. H., Vitz, A. C., Rodewald, A. D., & Rengifo, C. G. (2009). Migratory songbird use of shade coffee in the venezuelan andes with implications for conservation of cerulean warbler. Biological Conservation, 142(11), 2476–2483.
Bakouch, H. S., Chesneau, C., & Abdullah, R. I. (2021). A pliant parametric detection model for line transect data sampling. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 0(0), 1–14.
Bal, P. (2010). Estimating gopher tortoise abundance through design-based and model-based methods (Master’s thesis). Univeristy of St Andrews.
Baldi, A., & Kisbenedek, T. (1999). Species-specific distribution of reed-nesting passerine birds across reed-bed edges: Effects of spatial scale and edge type. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 45, 97–114.
Baldi, R., Albon, S. D., & Elston, D. A. (2001). Guanacos and sheep: Evidence for continuing competition in arid Patagonia. Oecologia, 129, 561–570.
Ball, S. J., Ramsey, D., Nugent, G., Warburton, B., & Efford, M. (2005). A method for estimating wildlife detection probabilities in relation to home-range use: Insights from a field study on the common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula). Wildlife Research, 32(3), 217–227.
Ballance, L. T., & Pitman, R. L. (1998). Cetaceans of the western tropical Indian Ocean: Distribution, relative abundance, and comparisons with cetacean communities of two other tropical ecosystems. Marine Mammal Science, 14, 429–459.
Balph, M. H., Stoddart, S. L., & Balph D., H. (1977). A simple technique for analyzing bird transect counts. The Auk, 94, 606–607.
Banks-Leite, C., Pardini, R., Boscolo, D., Cassano, C. R., Puttker, T., Barros, C. S., & Barlow, J. (2014). Assessing the utility of statistical adjustments for imperfect detection in tropical conservation science. Journal of Applied Ecology, 51, 849–859.
Barabesi, L. (2000). Local likelihood density estimation in line transect sampling. Environmetrics, 11(4), 413–422.<413::AID-ENV422>3.0.CO;2-P
Barabesi, L., & Fattorini, L. (1993). Asymptotic properties of orthogonal series density estimators in line transect sampling with grouped data. Metron, 51, 59–81.
Barabesi, L., & Fattorini, L. (1994). A note on bandwidth selections for kernel density estimators at endpoints. Metron, 52, 43–56.
Barabesi, L., & Fattorini, L. (1998). The use of replicated plot, line and point sampling for estimating species abundance and ecological diversity. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 5, 353–370.
Barabesi, Lucio, & Fattorini, L. (2012). Random versus stratified location of transects or points in distance sampling: Theoretical results and practical considerations. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 20(2), 215–236.
Barabesi, Lucio, Greco, L., & Naddeo, S. (2002). Density estimation in line transect sampling with grouped data by local least squares. Environmetrics, 13, 167–176.
Barbraud, C., & Thiebot, J.-B. (2009). On the importance of estimating detection probabilities from at-sea surveys of flying seabirds. Journal of Avian Biology, 40, 1–7.
Bårdsen, B.-J., & Fox, J. L. (2006). Evaluation of line transect sampling for density estimates of chiru Pantholops hodgsoni in the Aru Basin, Tibet. Wildlife Biology, 12, 89–100.[89:EOLTSF]2.0.CO;2
Barlow, J. (1988). Harbor porpoise, Phocoena phocoena, abundance estimation for California, Oregon and Washington: I. Ship surveys. Fishery Bulletin, 86, 417–431.
Barlow, J. (1994). Abundance of large whales in California coastal waters: A comparison of ship surveys in 1979/80 and in 1991. Report of the International Whaling Commission, 44, 399–406.
Barlow, J. (1997). Preliminary estimates of cetacean abundance off California, Oregon, and Washington based on a 1996 ship survey and comparisons of passing and closing modes (Southwest Fisheries Science Center Administrative Report No. LJ-97-11).
Barlow, J. (1999). Trackline detection probability for long-diving whales. In G. W. Garner, S. C. Amstrup, J. L. Laake, B. F. J. Manly, L. L. McDonald, & D. G. Robertson (Eds.), Marine mammal survey and assessment methods (pp. 209–221). Rotterdam: Balkema.
Barlow, Jay. (2003). Cetacean abundance in Hawaiian waters during summer/fall of 2002 (Administrative Report No. LJ-03-13). 8604 La Jolla Shores Dr., La Jolla, CA 92037: Southwest Fisheries Science Center.
Barlow, J. (2006). Cetacean abundance in Hawaiian waters estimated from a summer/fall survey in 2002. Marine Mammal Science, 22(2), 446–464.
Barlow, Jay, Ferguson, M. C., Perrin, W. F., Ballance, L., Gerrodette, T., Joyce, G., … Waring, G. (2006). Abundance and densities of beaked and bottlenose whales (family Ziphiidae). Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 7, 263–270.
Barlow, J., Gerrodette, T., & Forcada, J. (2001). Factors affecting perpendicular sighting distances on shipboard line-transect surveys for cetaceans. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 3, 201–212.
Barlow, J., Gerrodette, T., & Silber, G. (1997). First estimates of vaquita abundance. Marine Mammal Science, 13, 44–58.
Barlow, Jay, & Griffiths, E. T. (2017). Precision and bias in estimating detection distances for beaked whale echolocation clicks using a two-element vertical hydrophone array. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 141, 4388–4397.
Barlow, J., Oliver, C. W., Jackson, T. D., & Taylor, B. L. (1988). Harbor porpoise, Phocoena phocoena, abundance estimation for California, Oregon and Washington: II. Aerial surveys. Fishery Bulletin, 86, 433–444.
Barlow, J., & Taylor, B. (2001). Estimates of large whale abundance off California, Oregon, Washington, and Baja California based on 1993 and 1996 ship surveys (Administrative Report No. LJ-01-03). National Marine Fisheries Center.
Barlow, J., & Taylor, B. L. (2005). Estimates of sperm whale abundance in the northeastern temperate Pacific from a combined acoustic and visual survey. Marine Mammal Science, 21(3), 429–445.
Barnes, A., Hill, G. J. E., & Wilson, G. R. (1986). Correcting for incomplete sighting in aerial surveys of kangaroos. Australian Wildlife Research, 13, 339–348.
Barnes, R. F. W. (2001). How reliable are dung counts for estimating elephant numbers? African Journal of Ecology, 39, 1–9.
Barnes, R. F. W., & Barnes, K. L. (1992). Estimating decay rates of elephant dung-piles in forest. African Journal of Ecology, 30, 316–321.
Barnes, R. F. W., Blom, A., Alers, M. P. T., & Barnes, K. L. (1995). An estimate of the numbers of forest elephants in Gabon. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 11, 27–37.
Barnes, R. F. W., & Dunn, A. (2002). Estimating forest elephant density in Sapo National Park (liberia) with a rainfall model. African Journal of Ecology, 40, 159–163.
Barraclough, R. K. (2000). Distance sampling: A discussion document produced for the department of conservation (Science and Research Internal Report No. 175). Wellington, New Zealand: Department of Conservation.
Barrio, I., Acevedo, P., & Tortosa, F. (2010). Assessment of methods for estimating wild rabbit population abundance in agricultural landscapes. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 56(3), 335–340.
Barry, S. C., & Welsh, A. H. (2001). Distance sampling methodology. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B: Statistical Methodology, 63(1), 31–53.
Bart, J., Droege, S., Geissler, P., Peterjohn, B., & Ralph, C. J. (2004). Density estimation in wildlife surveys. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 32, 1242–1247.[1242:DEIWS]2.0.CO;2
Bart, J., & Herrick, J. (1984). Diurnal timing of bird surveys. The Auk, 101, 384–387.
Bart, J., & Schoultz, J. D. (1984). Reliability of singing bird surveys: Changes in observer efficiency with avian density. The Auk, 101, 307–318.
Batcheler, C. L. (1975). Development of a distance method for deer census from pellet groups. Journal of Wildlife Management, 39, 641–652.
Batter, T. J., Landers, R. H., Denryter, K., & Bush, J. P. (2022). Use of aerial distance sampling to estimate abundance of tule elk across a gradient of canopy cover and comparison to a concurrent fecal DNA spatial capture-recapture survey. California Fish and Wildlife Journal, 108(3).
Beare, D. J., Reid, D. G., & Petitgas, P. (2002). Spatio-temporal patterns in herring (Clupea harengus L.) school abundance and size in the northwest North Sea: Modelling space-time dependencies to allow examination of the impact of local school abundance on school size. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 59(3), 469–479.
Beasom, J. C. H., S. L., & Cain, J. R. (1981). The effect of strip width on helicopter censusing of deer. Journal of Range Management, 34, 36–37.
Beavers, S. C., & Ramsey, F. L. (1998). Detectability analysis in transect surveys. Journal of Wildlife Management, 62, 948–957.
Becker, B. H., Beissinger, S. R., & Carter, H. R. (1997). At-sea density monitoring of marbled murrelets in central California: Methodological considerations. Condor, The, 99(3), 743–755.
Becker, E. A., Forney, K. A., Redfern, J. V., Barlow, J., Jacox, M. G., Roberts, J. J., & Palacios, D. M. (2018). Predicting cetacean abundance and distribution in a changing climate. Diversity and Distributions, 25(4), 626–643.
Becker, Earl F., & Crowley, D. W. (2021). Estimating brown bear abundance and harvest rate on the southern Alaska Peninsula. PLOS ONE, 16(1), e0245367.
Becker, E. F., & Quang, P. X. (2009). A gamma-shaped detection function for line-transect surveys with mark-recapture and covariate data. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 14, 207–223.
Becker, E., & Christ, A. (2019). Rejection of Schmidt et al.’s estimators for bear population size. Ecology and Evolution, 9(10), 6157–6164.
Bedriñana-Romano, L., Hucke-Gaete, R., Viddi, F. A., Morales, J., Williams, R., Ashe, E., … Ruiz, J. (2018). Integrating multiple data sources for assessing blue whale abundance and distribution in Chilean northern Patagonia. Diversity and Distributions, 24(7), 991–1004.
Bedson, C. P. E., Thomas, L., Wheeler, P. M., Reid, N., Harris, W. E., Lloyd, H., … Preziosi, R. (2021). Estimating density of mountain hares using distance sampling: A comparison of daylight visual surveys, night-time thermal imaging and camera traps. Wildlife Biology, 2021(3), wlb.00802.
Bell, H. L., & Ferrier, S. (1985). The reliability of estimates of density from transect counts. Corella, 9, 3–13.
Bellan, S. E., Gimenez, O., Choquet, R., & Getz, W. M. (2013). A hierarchical distance sampling approach to estimating mortality rates from opportunistic carcass surveillance data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4(4), 361–369.
Bellout, S., Baamrane, M. A. A., Aamiri, A., & Aourir, M. (2021). Changes in the population size of Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis at Essaouira and Mogador Island, west-central Morocco. Marine Ornithology, 49, 101–107.
Bengtson, J. L., Blix, A. S., Boyd, I. L., Cameron, M. F., Hanson, M. B., & Laake, J. L. (1995). Antarctic pack-ice seal research, February and March 1995. Antarctic Journal, 30, 191–193.
Bergstedt, R. A., & Anderson, D. R. (1990). Evaluation of line transect sampling based on remotely sensed data from underwater video. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 119, 86–91.<0086:EOLTSB>2.3.CO;2
Berrow, S., O’brien, J., O’Connor, I., & Mcgrath, D. (2007). Abundance estimate and acoustic monitoring of harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena in the Blasket Islands candidate special area of conservation. National Parks and Wildlife Service.
Berrow, S., O’brien, J., O’Connor, I., & Mcgrath, D. (2009). Abundance estimate and acoustic monitoring of harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena in the Blasket Islands candidate special area of conservation. Biology & Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 109, 35–46.
Berry, K. H., Yee, J. L., Shields, T. A., & Stockton, L. (2020). The Catastrophic Decline of Tortoises at a Fenced Natural Area. Wildlife Monographs, 205(1), 1–53.
Bessesen, B. L., Oedekoven, C. S., Galbreath, G. J., & González-Suárez, M. (2022). Population Abundance and Density Estimates for Costa Rica’s Endemic Sea Snake, Hydrophis platurus xanthos. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9.
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