E-mail support list
Distance sampling email list
This list is for researchers and practitioners interested in the estimation of wildlife abundance using distance sampling techniques (e.g., line transects, point transects, cue counts, etc). Discussions include survey design, analysis methods, software tools, problems and new developments.
The purpose of the list is to promote the sharing of ideas and information among researchers and practitioners interested in distance sampling techniques. Suitable topics for discussion include:
- questions about survey design and analysis
- new methodological developments
- use of software tools (program Distance and other software)
- news about up-coming meetings, workshops and conferences where distance methods will be discussed
- jobs related to distance sampling
Joining the list
A Google Group you can view and create posts can be accessed at:
Google Group
To simply join the group and receive messages via e-mail, send an email to
with blank subject and message. You will receive a confirmation e-mail from Google shortly afterwards.
If you have any issues joining the group please contact us via the email address in the centre of the footer on this page.