Line transect estimation using R


Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling
University of St Andrews


November 2024

In this exercise, we use R (R Core Team, 2019) and the Distance package (Miller et al., 2019) to fit different detection function models to the duck nest data (introduced in Exercise 1) and estimate duck nest density and abundance.


The aims of this exercise are to:

  1. Load the Distance library
  2. Import a data file
  3. Fit a basic detection function using the ds function
  4. Plot and examine a detection function
  5. Assess goodness of fit of the detection function
  6. Fit different detection function forms.

Survey data

As a reminder of the survey, 20 line transects, each of length 128.75 km, were searched out to a distance of 2.4 metres (Anderson & Pospahala, 1970). Perpendicular distances to detected nests have been provided in a data set named ducknest. The columns in the file ducknest are:

  • Study.Area - this is the name of the study, Monte Vista NWR
  • Region.Label - identifier of regions: in this case there is only one region and it is set to ‘Default’
  • Area - size of the study region (km\(^2\)): here the area is set to zero. The area of the refuge is 47.7 km\(^2\) - this is needed to obtain abundance: for the purposes of this exercise, we are interested in fitting detection functions and density rather than abundance.
  • Sample.Label - line transect identifier (numbered 1-20)
  • Effort - length of the line transects (km)
  • object - unique identifier for each duck nest identified
  • distance - perpendicular distance (metres) to each duck nest.

The distances allow different key functions/adjustments to be fitted in the detection function model and, by including the transect lengths and area of the region, density and abundance can be estimated.

Using the Distance package

The Distance package has been installed in RStudio/Cloud. When you work on your own machine, you will need to install it from CRAN:


Accessing the data

The duck nest data are part of the Distance package, so if you have the package installed, the data set can be accessed simply by using the data() function


To look at the first few rows of ducknest type the following command.


The object ducknest is a dataframe object made up of rows and columns. There is one row for each detected nest: use the function nrow to remind yourself how many detections there are:


Summarising the perpendicular distances

Create a numerical summary of the distances:


Similarly to plot a histogram of distances, the command is:

hist(ducknest$distance, xlab="Distance (m)")

Fitting a simple detection function model with ds

Detection functions are fitted using the ds function and this function requires a data frame to have a column called distance. We have this in our ducknest data, therefore, we can simply supply the name of the data frame to the function as follows.

Take care

A guaranteed way to produce incorrect results from your analysis is to misspecify the units distances are measured. The ds function has an argument convert_units where the user provides a value to report density in proper units. Providing an incorrect value will result in estimates that are out by orders of magnitude.

Before fitting a model, the units of measure within the survey need to be reconciled. We can choose the units in which duck nest density is to be reported, we choose square kilometres. How to import this information to the ds function?

The answer is another function convert_units. Arguments to this function are

  • distance_units
    • units of measure for perpendicular/radial distances
  • effort_units
    • units of measure for effort (NULL for point transects)
  • area_units
    • units of measure for the study area.
conversion.factor <- convert_units("meter", "kilometer", "square kilometer")
# Fit half-normal detection function, no adjustment terms <- ds(data=ducknest, key="hn", adjustment=NULL,

Details about the arguments for this function:

  • key="hn"
    • fit a half-normal key detection function
  • adjustment=NULL
    • do not include adjustment terms
  • convert_units=conversion.factor
    • required because, for this example, the perpendicular distances are in metres and the line transect lengths are in km - this argument converts the perpendicular distance measurements from metres to km.

As we have seen, on executing the ds command some information is provided to the screen reminding the user what model has been fitted and the associated AIC value. More information is supplied if we ask for a summary of the model as follows:

# Summarise model object

Can you match the information with the values you used in Exercise 1 - was your density estimate similar to the one obtained here?

To look at the fitted detection function, simply use the plot function:


The number of bins in the histogram can be changed by specifying the nc argument, for example, to plot the histogram having 8 bins (as in Exercise 1) we can specify:

plot(, nc=8)

The histogram should look like the one you drew in Exercise 1.

Goodness of fit

Prior to making inference based upon a detection function model, it is prudent to assess the fit of the model. The usual tools for checking goodness of fit are available: the function gof_ds performs goodness of fits tests and plots a QQ-plot. In this command, 8 bins will be used for the chi-square goodness of fit test.


Specifying different detection functions

Different detection function forms and shapes, are specified by changing the key and adjustment arguments.

The different options available for key detection functions are:

  • half normal (key="hn") - this is the default
  • hazard rate (key="hr")
  • uniform (key="unif")

The different options available for adjustment terms are:

  • no adjustment terms (adjustment=NULL)
  • cosine (adjustment="cos") - default
  • Hermite polynomial (adjustment="herm")
  • Simple polynomial (adjustment="poly")

For each model specified below, note down the AIC, density and 95% confidence interval and compare it to the model already fitted (i.e. half-normal with no adjustments). Which detection function model would you choose?

To fit a uniform key function with cosine adjustment terms, use the command:

nest.uf.cos <- ds(ducknest, key="unif", adjustment="cos",

By default, AIC selection will be used to fit adjustment terms of up to order 5. Have any adjustment terms been selected?

To fit a hazard rate key function with Hermite polynomial adjustment terms, then use the command: <- ds(ducknest, key="hr", adjustment="herm", 


Anderson, D. R., & Pospahala, R. S. (1970). Correction of bias in belt transect studies of immotile objects. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 34(1), 141–146.
Miller, D. L., Rexstad, E., Thomas, L., Marshall, L., & Laake, J. L. (2019). Distance Sampling in R. Journal of Statistical Software, 89(1), 1–28.
R Core Team. (2019). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. Retrieved from