Model criticism


Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling
University of St Andrews


November 2024

Absolute and relative fit of detection function models

This practical continues the theme of fitting detection functions to line transect distance sampling data. Follow along with the R code inside the Quarto (.qmd) instructions.

You will proceed to fit a number of key function/adjustment term combinations to the data. You will also experiment with setting truncation distances.

The data you are analysing are simulated, where the true density and the true detection function is known. You will see how well your analyses perform in producing confidence intervals that include the true density. Also examine how much variability there is between different detection functions in their density estimates.

After completing that main task, you also have the opportunity to analyse another line transect data set of capercaillie, a native Scottish bird.

Lecture materials

Lecture discussion

Exercise materials

Supplemental materials

A detailed look at model selection
